Get More Value for your Tech
+256 782 923374

Union Business Partners has partnered with Evernex, one of Europe's largest Third Party Maintenance providers to provide multi-vendor support to data centers across the country. With the rising cost of OEM agreements, enterprises that are keen on value for money are looking elsewhere. Third Party Maintenance is here to feel this gap. We have a wide range of highly experienced and certified engineers on hand to diagnose, fix and report on various hardware issues. With our uniquely tailored SLAs, you rest assured that you pay for exactly what you require
Multi-vendor Third Party Maintenance and Sales
Spare As A Service - SPaaS
Are you running a couple of rarely supported brands? Union Business is here to support you. The cost of stocking up and maintaining a pile of spares for your equipment is one that you should not incur. We have access to the largest spares warehouse in Europe with over 750,000 spares and a branch network in 160 countries across the world. Whatever spars you need, we most likely have it stoked. Keep your data centers running 24/7 with our spares service. Extend the life of your equipment by installing genuine OEM parts.